Friday, May 9, 2008

My First Post

This is my first post.

I chose this image because it is one I have been looking at a lot lately as it is on the floor in the room where I sleep. This is the third painting I did of this beautiful girl. I thought it was a failure when I stopped work on it; and though I can see the things I could not *get* I now think it is very satisfying.

She was so beautiful. Her dark hair and pale skin the heavy shadow of her hair. impossible.

When she stopped posing I think we were both disappointed and exhausted.

There are many levels to a likeness; a surface resemblance could be as simple as a cartoon but to plumb the person -understand what in their expression - (an expression that moves with their thoughts) - makes them who they are.

The model and the artist have a dance - push - pull - playing off each others energy and trust because to push something forward means you could lose everything and really getting the person can be scary for both the model and the sitter. When it happens its as it comes out of chaos - to many steps to remember. So many back- forward - stumbles - moments of despair - Hubris and humility -


Unknown said...

Congratulations on your very own Blog! I love what you wrote & love looking at her--and love her on that background color.

ps Is it intentional that "you're" is mispelled? If so--very clever.

dorian allworthy said...
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