Saturday, October 31, 2009

Garish Fragments

Great Art is 



with its own loveliness

Monday, March 30, 2009

Two Children

An estatic gesture - here - this; his throwing the hose into the air is more than Watering the garden, it is a full circle; A start and A finish - dextrously - warding off and inspiring the breathing spirit - opening his heart and lungs while she conjures a half genuflection.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

My Neighbors House

The white house with black shutters across the road from me - my neighbors; with their tractors and garden, the blackberry bushes and the mowed lawns with the pink mimosa tree leaning into the pond in the summer; then it is invisible, for my hedge row of trees is all I can see.

He who gives quickly gives twice

When this poor fellow was working for me he asked to be paid for the job before it was complete - with only a little work promised !

I had some greens and some fruits I was perhaps going to eat or should I give them to my chickens ?

Well the already paid for work promised never was finished - And - The produce could have been given sooner in a much fresher state -

Notes To Remember By

Yesterday evening as the darkness slowly approached I lay looking west -Watching- the the top of the shag bark hickory tree - Changing - from grey to a fiery golden color.

Here these trees had a blue ? purple ? moment - an other-worldly feeling pushing out of the greys. Me with my new colors adjusting - making due.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Guatanamo bay

OK say we had citizens of USA *adopt* these detainees - treat them well - perhaps celebrities like Brad Pitt could lead the way .......- you know - All of us - even if we are having a difficult time - perhaps we invested with Mr Madoff or just lost a job ? Still - what are we going to do with these men whom we have tortured for 8 years ?

You are the herdsman of the evening

Yesterday I went to a lecture at the Arts club Chicago given by Chrissie Iles on German Artist Sigmar Polke. When I first saw the paintings the day before at the opening tea - I did not like them - I thought they were disjointed and with out heart - the slickness of the corrugated clear covering - That covered each work - seemed with out heart or purpose. After the lecture and seeing them a second time my feelings were reversed in and I realized the possibilities for my own work and my own images - I became interested in the layered *effects* the letter press or tarot card - nursery rhyme images and really saw some poetry that was personal to me. The fabric and the funny optics are tricks I am going to play with - in my imagination.

This Drypoint with the extreme Chinese overlay is one of the pieces that leads me to these ideas - the gold leaf japan paper the careful mistakes and the backwardness of the writing - personal and for me overflowing with meaning.